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Anytime VA
#13 Nehru Nagar
TN India - 641 006
A well constructed and managed business fan page is the center piece of most successful Facebook marketing strategies.
The purposes of the Client Facebook Fan Page are:
Here is the process flow:
1) Consult with you regarding content:
* Your views on content to be shared with your audience
* Example posts, from the history of posts if it is already running
2) Load with initial content if needed:
* We will analyze your business
* Understand the niche market to focus
* Analyze the competitors and
* Look at what to publish on your business fan page to engage your visitors and
* Share it with you before publishing anything as live, as pre-scheduled posts on Facebook
3) Update the fan page with fresh content daily / weekly
Where to start?
Sign-up for a PAYG plan and start small.