Contact Us
Anytime VA
#13 Nehru Nagar
TN India – 641 006
Tell: +1 559 884 5323
What is the need for the start-ups to hire a virtual assistant?
We could analyze, interpret, and evaluate calls using quality measures and objectives based on your specific areas of concern, promotions, email campaigns and offers which would help you to discover what works and what doesn’t.
Improve your marketing response and cut advertising costs with call tracking!
We help to show you granular data about your inbound telephone activity such as:
As of now, we work with Attorneys, Plastic Surgeons & Doctors in US to improve their telephone service to track how their receptionist handles their callers.
Here is the process flow:
1. Client sends the recorded calls as audio files to us
2. We process them as per the requirement (Metrics, Timeline & Reporting template)
3. Send the reports back to the Client
Where to start?
Sign-up for a PAYG plan and start small.